Tuesday, June 16, 2009

When children refuse your choice of clothing?

if you ever have your child reject the event that you dress for her. then your child angry especially if forced to reject the small clothes fit particular. Sikapi wisely through the following steps:

1. Learn the causes of disapproval
The cause of disapproval is not because I embarrassed, but more because the child does not feel comfortable with the clothes. Maybe he inerasa itch, heat with a particular clan of clothes, or do not like the color. pattern. discount, or models. Therefore, parents should also observing the clothing comfort offered to children and how to respond properly in case rejected.

2. Please provide an explanation
submit the reasons why parents want children to use the party clothes. For example, "Today is her birthday. The mother of the Son, invite friends to equally grateful. Friends will be happy to see the mother of the child to appear as something beautiful daughter with the king." With this explanation, the child will understand why he must do what the parents want, just do not know why without abiding.

3. Give options
When the children do not want to wear a given reason and the parents. your child feel self-explanatory, such as material tingle in the body. so do not be induced. Parents must be flexible. Choose clothing in the same good. Involve children to determine the choice. Lika children choose clothing that is not appropriate, such as singlet to go to the party, the parents are not required to follow the board desires. Children must be given an explanation and to know the rules that go to the beach or the party must wear clothing that is hot. So, if the problem is fundamental, the child must still follow the rules.

Try to note the clothes your child's Suri Cruise Tom Cruise and Holmes Ketie funny with a light color, with certain steps can make your child appear more beautiful and funny.

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